Your Problem. Our Solution.

Private Military. Subcontractors. No compromises.

Evolution of a Shadow Company

We have changed our businesses and used capital to diversify. With our background, we are able to change things and show more strength than many others could.We have changed our businesses and used capital to diversify. With our background, we are able to change things and show more strength than many others could. International Joint Ventures are our first steps to do.

The Basis

On August 1st, 2023, we signed basic agreements with co-investors in Zurich to work together to achieve socially relevant goals.

Our main task is to act as a lobbyist in Ukraine, Pakistan, India, East Africa, the Western Balkans, Canada and Sweden and to exert appropriate influence on decision-makers.

Joint Venture Israel | The Demining Project

The Areas of Activity

Our primary areas of activity include mining, rare earth mining, national infrastructure, weapons technology, drones and robotics, and environmental technologies.

We have acquired the relevant expertise and the necessary contacts by establishing ten joint ventures in London with several partner companies, institutions and NGO.

BioTec I / Counter Environmental Crime

Ukrainian Care & Israel

To create the necessary framework for our activities, we have established four joint ventures with different partners. These Ukrainian Care Joint Ventures develop activities in the areas of environmental and animal protection, agriculture, environmental technology and anti-corruption. The Israel Joint Venture deals with weapons technology and the manufacture of drones.

Joint Venture Israel | Robotics & High Technology

Bio-Dynamic Technology

In 2023, we founded four Bio-Dynamic Technology joint ventures for the areas of agriculture and seeds, environmental technologies, identification of environmental crimes and municipal infrastructure. This year, a joint venture, Bio-Dynamic Europe, was also established with other co-investors for environmental technology and mining in East Africa and Canada.

Ukrainian Care I / Corruption Cases Ukraine
Security in an uncertain world

Arms trafficking is not a sin – it is a necessity.

When states need weapons to defend themselves, Blackwater Industrials Ltd. can. these deliver. We do not deliver to embargo states, but to crisis and war areas.

We supply small arms, machine guns, grenade launchers, artillery units and rockets. And the necessary NATO quality ammunition. Also rockets like Stinger as well as for the Iron Dome and IRIS-T. In addition, drones with a range of 4 – 500 km and a payload of 30g – 150 kg.

Our company carries out licensed purchases, sales and transportation with licensed partner companies in Israel, Cypris, United Arab Emirates and Canada.

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We are more than you think.

War Industry

Counter Crime

Anti Corruption

Community Security

Our company is part of national and international security policy. Together with our partners, we offer numerous services for private and municipal clients. We secure parking spaces, schools, private and public facilities as part of sophisticated security concepts for property and personal protection.

Video: Into the NightPlease note our legal informations!
Counter Terrorism Units

IIn various countries, our employees are partners of state bodies as part of the fight against terrorism, but also present with Counter Terrorists Units on behalf of investment partners in order to implement preventive or acute solutions. Due to political developments and the worsening security situation, these counter terrorist units are active throughout Europe and in North Africa.

Video: Get them!
International Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention has become a focus of our work as the geopolitical situation has changed accordingly. We carry out combat missions at the request of government organizations in accordance with international law, including in areas of tension and war. We protect the civilian population, humanitarian transport, strategically important regions or necessary infrastructure.

Video: Daily Work

We provide
creative solutions for all your needs!

Our company was founded in Italy in 1981 under the name Protezione e Sicurezza. At that time, mainly for the professional protection of assets and employees of an international group of companies, to which we still belong: SI Smeralda Investimenti Group.

Since 1999, our company has been a so-called subcontractor for government clients in crisis areas and combat operations.

In addition to domestic orders relating to hostage taking, drug and human trafficking, we intervene in the form of special orders in third countries. Particularly in the areas of liberating and securing the civilian population, finding wanted people, as well as operations behind enemy fronts and combating terrorism.

We currently have more than 700 permanent employees working in the field. Almost two thirds of them are women. We typically operate in teams of eight and specialize in paratrooper operations.

Video: Go! Go! Go!Please note our legal informations!

We provide professional solutions!

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Management Risk Control

Our company is there for you – also in the area of management risk control. Management risk controlling is a central corporate task that relates in particular to supporting organizational security measures, improving internal auditing, and documenting and adhering to guidelines.

The MRC is therefore viewed as an essential part of the company’s internal control system in order to fulfill legal tasks. It is therefore a core component of the company’s compliance structure and can be guaranteed by external companies responsibly and without any internal influence.

Counter Kidnapping

In addition to or instead of official authorities, we are the contact person for the release of kidnap victims and hostages. In addition to technical and advisory tasks, we take on the conduct of negotiations, the execution or fictitious handover of money as well as the release of victims and the identification of the kidnappers.

Company Compliance

Our company offers numerous services in the area of company compliance. Compliance (regular monitoring) refers to the entirety of all measures that justify the compliant behavior of a company, its organizational members and its employees with regard to all legal requirements and prohibitions.

In addition, the consistency of corporate business practices with all social guidelines and values, morals and ethics should be ensured. The compliance manager is independent of existing hierarchies and reports directly to the board of directors.


According to our self-image, the state is the people and not their government. Even if such a government were democratically elected, it loses legitimacy in our world view if it antagonizes masses of the population and does not find a solution to elementary grievances. This is not subjective, but a historical constant.

Board of Directors, London


Our employees mostly come from special military and secret service units. As part of team building, further training takes place in the areas of weapons, combat, drone and mental technology as well as politics and medical services.


Our intervention forces have, among other things, experience from the Balkans (1999 – 2002, 2014 – 2017), North African states (2010 – today), African states (2015 – today), Syria (2010 – today) and Ukraine (2022 – today).


In today’s world it is necessary to use military force to defend ourselves against aggressors and terrorists at home and abroad. We work with countries with strong democratic structures. Nevertheless, we question the background, status and impact of an order very carefully before accepting or rejecting it.


All our orders are subject to absolute secrecy. In our industry, this is an indispensable basis for any commissioning and the execution of such orders. Of course, this also includes any information about negotiations, target persons and successes.


The technical equipment at our headquarters, camps and teams meets the highest international standards. Equipment, personnel training and the weapons and communication technology itself are subject to constant optimization and adaptation to further developments.


Basically, the fees we charge differ based on the type of order, the level of difficulty, the effects, the number of fighters involved and the additional necessary personnel, logistical and organizational expenses. In general, the costs for the client are not the issue, but rather that these orders can be completed by PMC and no other way.


100% Motivation

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Diplomatic Security

Job done. No losses.

Video: Streetwork


Counter Terrorism

Job finished. No losses.

Video: Have fun


Counter Kidnapping

Jobs done. No losses.

Video: Evacuation


Krisis Intervention

Jobs currently run.

Video: To be Proud
Contact us!

We do not respond to inquiries
from press or NGO.

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